Send all payments and reimbursement requests to:
Better World Club
Member Services
412 NW Couch St. Suite #100
Portland, OR 97209
24/7 Dispatch Phone Numbers
Cars/RVs/Motorcycles/Bicycles Monday - Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm
1-888-732-1427, 1-866-732-1427, 1-866-238-1137
24/7 Emergency Road and Tow Service
If your bicycle is disabled and cannot be ridden safely, you may contact the toll- free dispatch service for assistance at 1-866-732-1427. Please note that the bicycle emergency phone number is separate from the auto emergency phone number.
Coverage includes up to 30 miles of transportation for you and your bicycle.
Coverage includes two service calls per year, per listed member.
Member must be with bicycle at the time of service.
Bicycle must be accessible from the road (we cannot dispatch onto bicycle trails or paths).
Bicycle coverage is available in the US and Canada.
If there is any inconsistency between the language of this document and information provided by an agent or representative of Better World Club or an independent contractor providing service to a member, the language, terms, limits and conditions of this document shall prevail over any conflicting terms.
Reasonable Accommodation
If the member is traveling with one other individual when a breakdown occurs, we will attempt to secure transportation for both member and the non-covered bicyclist. There may be out of pocket expenses associated with this.
Lockout Service
We cannot dispatch a vendor to help you unlock your bicycle. If you lose your key, you may submit a claim for reimbursement for locksmith services from an accredited locksmith. The maximum value for individual claims is $50, and claims must be filed within 30 days of occurrence.
Excessive Usage
In order to maintain fair and reasonable membership dues for all members, Better World Club reviews all memberships that exceed standard call frequency. Use of services that Better World Club deems excessive may result in limitation of the number of claims allowed, non-renewal, or membership cancellation. Better World Club has the right to refuse the purchase of a new membership to anyone. Better World Club has the right to deny any current member from renewing their membership for any reason. We may suspend or cancel certain membership benefits during a membership period due to excessive use of the benefits and services we provide. Renewal is not guaranteed.
Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your membership at any time simply by calling or writing to our Membership Office. You are entitled to a pro-rata refund of any unused portion of your membership, less services rendered.
Service Calls
Once you have used both of your service calls in a single membership year, your coverage will be suspended for the duration of your membership year. Throughout the suspension period, we will continue to attempt to dispatch a service provider. However, you will be responsible for making payment directly to the responding provider for any services rendered.
We may cancel your membership during a membership period for any of the following reasons: 1) failure to pay your membership dues; 2) material misrepresentations or fraudulent submission of a request for reimbursement; or 3) excessive use of the benefits and services we offer. If we cancel or decline to renew your membership, we will send you prior written notice indicating the reason for such action.
Service Providers
Emergency bicycle road service is rendered by our already-existing auto service network. These service providers are independent contractors and are neither agents nor employees of Better World Club. Because these independent contractors have exclusive control over their own equipment and personnel, the Better World Club is not responsible for their acts or omissions or for the quality of any service they provide. Better World Club assumes no liability for property damage or bodily injury, if any, caused by a service provider. Any claim involving such damage or injury should be filed directly with the responsible service provider.
However, we do encourage feedback and would like to know if a vendor behaves unprofessionally.
Benefits and Dues
Both are subject to change without notice. At times, additional benefits and services may be offered.
We have a handful of bicycle maps available. Please check our website for a complete list of what is available. Maps are free to members and can be ordered online or over the phone. We also carry a wide variety of detailed city maps, state maps, regional maps that are available to bicycle members as well. Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery. There is a limit of ten maps per household, per year.
Member Discounts
Please visit the Members Only section of our website for discounts on green products and services as well as nationwide hotel and car rental discounts.
Car-ma Program
BWC members can earn points for various actions like renewing a membership and referring a new member. Points can be redeemed for rewards like free memberships and more.
Participants must be active members of Better World Club to earn and/or redeem points. All Car-ma points accrued to a membership account will expire after that membership is inactive for more than 60 days. Car-ma points cannot be combined with cash or with another member’s points.
Car-ma points will accrue to members in association with their membership numbers. Actions by both primary and associate members will earn points toward the point total for their shared membership number. Both primary and associate members will be eligible to redeem points from the total points accrued to their shared member number for rewards.
Car-ma points will expire if not redeemed within 6 years from the date on which they were applied to a membership account, unless forfeited or cancelled at an earlier time due to membership inactivity or otherwise in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Car-ma points may take up to 8 weeks to be applied to a membership account as certain point earning actions are done through a third party, resulting in a delay in the receipt of those records by Better World Club.
If Car-ma points are earned and not applied to an active membership account (certain points may take up to 8 weeks to be applied), the primary member on that account may submit a Missing Car-ma request within 90 days of the point earning action to request redress.
Better World Club reserves the right to make changes to the Car-ma Program, add or remove reward items, or to cancel the program at any time.
Reimbursement Requests
You must call us for authorization first to be eligible for a full refund. If we are unable to dispatch, you will be authorized to file a claim. All other requests are subject to a price cap of $50. Reimbursement is not guaranteed if you receive/require service during a lapse of coverage due to a late renewal.
Driving companies such as Lyft, Uber, and professional taxis are eligible for reimbursement provided you call us for authorization of those services at the time of need.
Send us your written request within 90 days using the Claim Form found on the Member Site of www.betterworldclub.com. You can also make a request by telephone at 1-866-238-1137 or email club@betterworldclub.com.
We reserve the right to deny any request submitted more than 90 days after the date of service (subject to certain state restrictions), containing receipts and/or supporting documents which cannot be verified. (No time limit applies for Utah and Wisconsin residents.) Please allow 4-6 weeks to receive your check in the mail. Incomplete documentation may slow down the processing of your request.
Please direct all questions, comments, and reimbursement requests to:
Better World Club
Membership Office
412 NW Couch St, suite #100
Portland, OR 97209
1-866-238-1137 Ph
(Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:30pm PST)
503-546-1117 Fx