24/7 eco-friendly nationwide roadside assistance for cars and bicycles.
Our membership contract is easy to understand. If you have any questions, we're here to help.
Send all payments and reimbursement requests to:
Better World Club
Member Services
412 NW Couch St., Suite #100
Portland, OR 97209
E-mail: club@betterworldclub.com
Local Phone: 1-503-546-1137
Local Fax: 1-503-546-1117
24/7 Dispatch Phone Numbers
Roadside assistance services provided by Auto Club of America, 243 E. Main Street, Johnson City, TN 37604, except in Alaska, California, Indiana, Maryland, New Hampshire, and Wyoming, where services are provided by the Motor Club of America, 243 E. Main Street, Johnson City, TN 37604
As a member of the Better World Club (BWC), you will receive the benefits described in this document. Please note we are not an insurance company. Membership eligibility, fees, services, and benefits are subject to change without notice. This document will explain the terms and conditions of your BWC membership. Members who call Better World Club consent to the monitoring and recording of incoming and follow-up phone calls.
General Provisions
If there is any inconsistency between the language of this document and information provided by an agent or representative of Better World Club or an independent contractor providing service to a member, the language, terms, limits, and conditions of this document shall supersede any conflicting terms.
Better World Club is not liable for loss or damages to the vehicle once it is out of our care.
Address/ Email/ Name/ Credit or Debit Card Changes
In order to keep your membership active and to allow us to send you information that may affect your membership, you must notify us of any name, street address, e-mail address, or credit or debit card changes (where applicable). We are not responsible for incomplete coverage due to inaccurate contact information.
Benefits and Fees
Both are subject to change without notice. From time to time, additional benefits and services may be offered. Additional fees may accrue if you require service beyond the limits described in this document.
Bank Charges
We are not responsible for any fees or charges imposed by any bank or credit/debit card issuer relating to the use of your credit/debit card or personal check, including but not limited to overdraft or credit limit fees.
Better World Club offers a variety of discounts on new memberships. These are intended for those who have never been a part of the Better World Club. Please do not purchase a new membership if you have an expired account with us. Those who abuse the promotion will be asked to pay in full or forfeit their membership. Memberships must be paid in full before services are available.
On-Going Policy Discounts
Members who drive hybrid, electric, and other non-conventional vehicles that are considered green (excluding bio-diesel vehicles that were manufactured more than ten years ago) are eligible for an ongoing discount on their renewal rate. The amount of service calls made for the vehicle does not negate our ability to provide a discounted rate. In order to maintain fair and reasonable prices, we monitor the use of these discounts in comparison to general usage. Eligibility for the discount on a renewal will be determined by the member's usage. The discount is not guaranteed every year.
Reimbursement Requests
You must call us for service first to be eligible for a full refund. If we are unable to dispatch, you will be authorized to file a claim. All other requests are subject to a price cap of $250 Basic/ $500 Premium. Coverage is not guaranteed if you receive/require service during a lapse of coverage due to a late renewal and are not reimbursable events.
Send us your written request within 90 days using the Claim Form found on the Member Site of www.betterworldclub.com. You can also make a request by telephone at 1-866-238-1137 or email club@betterworldclub.com.
Digital copies of receipts are permitted provided they include the name of responding company and full contact information of the professional and licensed service provider. Be sure to retain copies of all such documents for your own records. Mail your reimbursement request to Better World Club’s Member Services office. We reserve the right to deny any request submitted more than 90 days after the date of service (subject to certain state restrictions), containing receipts and/or supporting documents which cannot be verified. (No time limit applies for Utah and Wisconsin residents.) Please allow 4-6 weeks to receive your check in the mail. Incomplete documentation may slow down the processing of your request.
Membership Information
Effective Date
Your membership with Basic services will be activated three business days after your application is processed and accepted. If you chose a premium membership, those benefits will be available after a 30-day waiting period. Application does not guarantee enrollment. You will be notified via email if there is a problem with your application. If you do not provide a valid email address, we will send you a document via USPS which may delay a start date further. If you chose a future start date, it will begin on the date requested. Membership is for a period of 12 consecutive months. We reserve the right to prohibit the purchase of a new membership or renewal to anyone.
We do not cover breakdowns that occur before your start date. We provide opportunity for a convenient service. We do not sell tows. Should you violate this policy, your dues will be forfeit and membership cancelled.
If you are a renewing member on a lapsed membership, the three-day waiting period will also apply. In some cases, you may be charged a late fee. Coverage is not guaranteed if you receive/require service during a lapse of coverage due to a late renewal. These services are not eligible for reimbursement.
Eligible Members
You must be a named primary or associate member on an active membership to utilize club benefits. The first driver listed on the membership will be the Primary member. All changes to the account must be made by the Primary member. If the Primary member decides to cancel the membership, it is not the responsibility of BWC to notify the associate members. Service calls are not transferable to other household members. A maximum of 3 associate members can be added to a primary member’s account. Associate members must live in the same household as the primary member. Associate members can be domestic partners, spouses, elder parents living in the household, children between the ages of 18-25. (Children under the age of 25, living away from home only if they are enrolled in school.) Adult children must have their own policy. Primary members are responsible for the conduct and behavior of their associate members as well as any costs to BWC as a result of misconduct.
Membership Changes
You must be a member in good standing to add an associate driver to your account or upgrade the account. The allotment of service calls will be in proportion to the length of membership remaining at the time of change. We evaluate each request for membership changes on a case by case basis. Usage will affect your ability to make these changes.
Reasonable Accommodation
We cannot guarantee all vendors will be willing and able to carry more than one passenger. (Please let us know if children requiring car seats are present.) If the eligible member is accompanied by other passengers in the broken-down vehicle, we will attempt to provide a ride for all members of the vehicle. If a secondary vehicle is required to transport multiple passengers, those fees will be the responsible of the member and are not eligible for reimbursement. If you are riding with pets, please let us know at the beginning of the call so we can accommodate your furry friends as well.
Covid-19 may inhibit the vendor’s ability to carry passengers. You may be asked to find other transportation.
Roadside Assistance Services
Emergency Roadside Assistance (ERS)
The purpose of the Roadside Assistance benefit is to provide service in common emergency situations to get you and your vehicle back on the road. In many cases, we will dispatch a light duty truck or van to assist with “soft” services such as tire changes, jumpstarts, and lockouts. We do not do tows of convenience or transport cars.
If the eligible vehicle you are driving becomes disabled anywhere in the US or Canada, you must call 1-888-732-1427 for service or 1-866-732-1427 for bicycle service only. We will dispatch for the following services with trucks equipped with commonly available tools:
Battery Jumpstarts
Flat Tire Change
Fuel Delivery
Lockout Service
If at any time you no longer require service, please contact us to cancel the dispatch, or follow the cancellation prompt on the follow up call from the dispatch center. If you do not cancel the call, it will count as one of your four service calls.
Service providers require that you be with your vehicle when they arrive. Please answer your phone while you await their arrival as they may need location clarification. You are responsible for staying in a safe place until the service provider arrives. When the service provider arrives, sign the receipt for covered expenses up to your benefit limit. You are responsible for payment of any additional expenses not covered or in excess of your benefit limit.
ERS is not intended as an alternative to proper vehicle maintenance. Please maintain your vehicle in good mechanical condition. Frequent calls for the same service may result in suspension of benefits or non-renewal.
We do not sell tows. We provide common services that assist your vehicle in making it to its destination.
You MUST call our 24/7 dispatch service to receive road service or towing benefits. Better World Club dispatches emergency roadside assistance through a network of independent service providers authorized to perform road and towing service for our members. If you call us and we cannot dispatch service through our network, the representative will instruct you to file a claim for reimbursement. You may then call any service provider and pay them directly for services rendered. You’ll be reimbursed up to your benefit limit when you submit your written reimbursement request within 90 days of service. Extreme weather conditions, acts of God or nature, heavy call volume, or lack of equipment availability may affect our ability to provide service.
Eligible Vehicles – Basic and Premium Memberships
Vehicles that are broken down before your membership begins are not eligible for service. If you attempt to utilize the service on a vehicle that is disabled before you become a member, your account may be cancelled and your membership fees forfeited as a result. Club benefits can be used to provide service for any standard personal use vehicle under 10,000 GVW the member may be driving or riding in and serviced by a truck with commonly available tools. Vehicles must be intended primarily for personal use. Eligible vehicles may be owned, leased, rented, or borrowed (including company cars assigned to the member for full-time personal use.)
Vehicles must be registered, not loaded, or altered. If you require assistance for an altered vehicle, you may accrue out of pocket expenses.
GVW - Gross Vehicle Weight - Some of the larger vans and pick-up trucks require a medium duty tow truck to provide general service. Our Basic and Premium services only cover light duty tows. If your vehicle falls into a higher weight class, you are required to have the RV/Large Vehicle program. Vehicles with dual wheel chassis require medium duty trucks as well and will require the RV/Large Vehicle program. If you do not have the proper coverage at the time of dispatch, we may not be able to dispatch and/or there will be out of pocket expenses.
If your vehicle requires service beyond what is commonly available on a light-weight tow truck, you may be asked to pay out of pocket for those services. A non-payment of a service fee may result in cancellation or non-renewal.
Ineligible Vehicles
Vehicles over 10,000 GVW (Please see RV/Large Vehicle Program)
The following vehicles are NOT ELIGIBLE: commercial and/or business-use vehicles (formal or informal) including but not limited to taxis, limousines, automobiles, semi-trucks, box trucks, flatbeds, altered vehicles, and vehicles using dealer tags. (If you are a business, please contact us regarding our Fleet Program.)
Non-standard or altered vehicles including, but not limited to ATVs, UTVs, buses, Golf Carts, lifted vehicles, and vehicles without proper tags will not be serviced.
Vehicles that are in an unsafe condition or in a location that would be hazardous for service vehicles to reach will not be serviced. This includes, but is not limited to, beaches, dunes, fields, marshes, forest access roads, unmaintained roads, etc. In many cases the responding vendor will determine the safety of the situation.
Vehicles that are beyond repair, destined for the junk yard, or to be used as salvage, are not eligible for service. Roadside assistance is intended to help you put your car back on the road. We do not tow vehicles that were purchased or acquired in a broken-down condition.
Vehicles for transport. If your vehicle will function on its own without assistance, it is not eligible for a tow. We do not transport cars.
If you utilize the service on an ineligible vehicle you may not be eligible for renewal.
Dirt Roads
If your vehicle breaks down on a dirt road, it will be at the discretion of the service providers in your area to tow it. If a road is regularly maintained, we may be able to service your vehicle, but cannot guarantee it.
Service Calls
Each member will be covered for up to 4 service calls per membership year. Only one call per break-down is available. Only one car per person per day is available. If you violate this policy, your membership will be subject to cancellation. Service calls are not transferable to other members on a membership and do not carry over. Better World Club will dispatch additional service calls at the expense of the member. Membership benefits will only apply to incidents that occur while membership is active. Excessive or frequent use of service calls may result in downgrade or cancellation of membership. We reserve the right to charge for services rendered on expired or ineligible accounts. You may not add coverage at the time of need, purchase a secondary membership, or add associates to add service calls. If you require multiple services to complete the service, it will count as multiple service calls.
Cancellation, Temporary Suspension and Non-Renewals
You may cancel your membership at any time by calling 1-866-238-1137 or writing to our Membership Office. We offer a full refund if you cancel within the first 30 days and have not used any service calls. We will provide a prorated refund of unused membership dues calculated from the cancellation date, less the value of services rendered since the date of your enrollment or last membership renewal, whichever is more recent, except in CA, MD, MA, MT, MS, OK, NV and WY where these deductions are not applied.
We may suspend or cancel certain membership benefits during a membership period for excessive use of the benefits and services we provide. Excessive can be defined as four times in one year, two times within one week, etc. Use of your emergency roadside or towing service benefit four (4) times within any one membership period will result in the automatic suspension of that benefit until the beginning of your next membership period. However, you are not guaranteed a renewal option should you exhaust all of your calls. Throughout the suspension period, we will continue to dispatch a service provider at your expense if you call us for help.
We may cancel your membership during a membership period for any of the following reasons: 1) Failure to pay your membership dues; 2) Material misrepresentations; 3) Fraudulent submission of a request for reimbursement; 4) Excessive use of the benefits and services we offer; 5) or Creating multiple accounts
Usage Policy
In order to maintain fair and reasonable prices for all members, Better World Club reviews all memberships that exceed standard call frequency. Use of services that Better World Club deems excessive may result in limitation of the number of claims allowed, downgrade, non-renewal, or membership cancellation. You may not purchase a new membership to avoid a downgrade. If you do this, both accounts will be cancelled. If we suspect you are in need of service before you become a member, we may place you on a probationary membership. Better World Club has the right to refuse the purchase of a new membership to anyone. Better World Club has the right to deny any current member from renewing their membership for any reason. Each membership is reviewed on an individual basis.
Emergency road and towing service is rendered by service providers who are independent contractors and who are neither agents nor employees of the Motor Club. Because these independent contractors have exclusive control over their own equipment and personnel, the Club is not responsible for their acts or omissions or for the quality of any service they provide. For those same reasons, the Club assumes no liability for property damage or bodily injury, if any, caused by a service provider or for loss of personal items left in vehicle. Any claim involving such damage or injury should be filed directly with the responsible service provider. The Club cannot guarantee repairs, the hours of operation of repair facilities, the promptness of repairs, or provide more than one tow per breakdown. It is the member’s responsibility to arrange for repairs with the service facility.
If you have a complaint regarding damage caused by the vendor, contact dispatch at 1-888-732-1427.
Service Limitations
Accidents - Contact Your Insurance Company
In the event of an accident, please contact your auto policy carrier. Towing is often covered under auto insurance policies and is the responsibility of the party at fault. If roadside assistance or towing is required, the local law enforcement official on the scene will usually arrange for service. If not, please call 1-888-732-1427 for dispatch of a service provider. You may submit your receipt for reimbursement, but you will be capped at $50/$100 depending on benefit limit. If it is a one car incident, we may be able to assist you.
Vandalism - Contact Your Insurance Company
If your car is disabled due to an act of vandalism, please contact your auto policy carrier for service. If they will not cover the cost of the service, you may submit your receipt for reimbursement. There will be a cap of $50/$100 for any claims associated with vandalism.
Tolls and Turnpikes
You are responsible for all tolls and road fees, including bridges and ferry passage. Certain roads can only be serviced by state-contracted towing companies (i.e. New Jersey Turnpike). We will reimburse up to your regular limit (hook up fee + mileage rate) if we cannot dispatch a network provider to you. Turnpikes and contract only roads are maintained by the state in which they operate. Service providers must have a contract with the state to provide service on a turnpike. We cannot guarantee our vendor network will have the ability to service limited access roads. We will do our best to dispatch, however you may be asked to pay out of pocket and seek reimbursement. This includes many major bridges as well as urban freeways. You may utilize a secondary tow if the first tow is on a contract only road. Reimbursements will be capped at $250 Basic/$500 Premium. If a secondary tow is required, it will be capped at $100 and will count as a separate service call.
Roadside Services
Basic Auto – Towing up to 5 Miles per Occurrence
Premium Auto – Towing up to 100 Miles per Occurrence
You must call our network to receive service. All reimbursements will be capped at $250 Basic and $500 Premium regardless of miles towed. Vehicle restriction and service limits may apply. Due to the size of some vehicles, not all providers will have the proper equipment to service a large vehicle. You must have the RV/Large Vehicle coverage to avoid fees. Towing is available to the nearest qualified repair facility up to your towing benefit limit. Towing to your residence is also allowed. Towing is provided by a standard light weight tow truck capable of servicing vehicles under 10,000 GVW and will have common tools associated with that. Members are responsible for paying for services beyond their benefit limit at the time of service. Only one tow will be covered per disablement. Exceptions will be made for tows off a turnpike or contract only road.
Service vehicles are selected based on vehicle manufacturer recommendations. If a member requests equipment not in line with manufactures recommendation, the member will be responsible for additional fees.
If your vehicle requires service beyond what is commonly available on a light-weight tow truck, you may be asked to pay out of pocket for those services. A non-payment of a service fee may result in cancellation or non-renewal.
We do not service vehicles with expired tags.
Police Tow
If the police determine that your breakdown requires urgency, and they find a service provider for you, you are eligible for reimbursement up to $100 Basic, $250 Premium. Towing at the discretion of a law enforcement officer related to traffic obstruction, impoundment, abandonment, illegal parking or other violations of the law are not a covered service. We will not pick up a vehicle from an impound lot.
Battery Jumpstart
The service provider will provide a battery jump or tow your vehicle if your vehicle won’t start due to a dead or weak battery. Please let us know if you require a jump/possible tow so we can dispatch a proper service provider. (i.e. I left my lights on!) In some cases, a second dispatch may be required if the jump fails. We do not deliver batteries. Sorry, most of our service providers are not equipped to provide jump starts to an electric vehicle and you will be offered a tow.
Flat Tire Change
The service provider will change a flat tire with your inflated spare tire. If for any reason your spare is not usable, the lug nuts cannot be removed, or your vehicle has multiple flat tires, towing will be provided. Towing benefit limits apply. Costs for tire repair, installing a new tire on the wheel, or a second service call to return a tire to the disabled vehicle are not covered. If you require air for more than one tire, they will be counted as separate service calls.
Fuel Delivery
If you run out of gas, the service provider will deliver an emergency supply of gasoline/diesel fuel or tow your vehicle to the nearest gasoline outlet. Limits apply. (Up to two gallons of fuel is provided as a courtesy for Premium Auto Members. Basic Auto Members will be charged for the actual fuel cost). Fuel delivery is not intended to pay for fuel. If we suspect you of abusing this service, your membership may be canceled. Specific brands and quantities are not guaranteed.
Members will be covered in the event the keys are locked inside the vehicle. Expenses that are not covered include, but are not limited to, labor to produce keys, replacement keys, and mechanical failure of locks or ignition system. If locksmith services are required, you will be reimbursed up to your benefit limit of $50 Basic and $100 Premium.
Winching - Benefit Limit – Up to $125 Basic within 100ft, Up to $250 Premium within 100ft
If your vehicle is stuck in mud, sand, snow, or a ditch, and is accessible from a normally traveled roadway, it will be extricated or winched. Winching is limited to one operator/one truck for 30 minutes. Any additional expenses will be your responsibility & payable directly to the service provider at the time of service and are not reimbursable.
Winching service does not cover expense beyond your benefit limit. We do not hoist, winch or shovel vehicle from unplowed areas, snowbanks, snowbound driveways or curbside parking.
In some cases, a winch is necessary to tow or jump a vehicle. This includes, but is not limited to, parking garages, narrow access parking, and other awkward locations. Should your vehicle require a winch to gain access to complete the service request, it will count as two service calls.
Winching does not include service to a boat trailer in the water.
The service provider will determine the safety of access to a trailer.
RV/Large Vehicle Service (Medium Duty Tows)
By adding RV/Large Vehicle Service, all Premium Auto benefits will extend to the following vehicles that are less than 31 feet and fall between 10,000-19,999 GVWR:
Recreational Vehicles
Cab Over Campers
5th Wheel
Camping Trailers/Tent Trailers
Empty Horse Trailers
Boat Trailers
Duel Wheel Chassis
Recreation Trailers
If both the vehicle pulling the trailer and the trailer itself need to be towed, it will count as 2 service calls. We do not cover vehicles over 31 feet and/or over 20,000 GVW. Those will require Heavy Duty service vehicles and is not a covered service.
There will be a price cap of $500 per call on all RV/Large Vehicle tows regardless of the nature of the call. Maximum of $1,000 per household.
Motorcycles are automatically included in the RV plan.
Motorcycle/Scooter Coverage
Extends Basic or Premium Auto benefits to eligible motorcycles and scooters. (Must be street legal. No dirt bikes.) Electric-assist bicycles are covered under our Bicycle Plan.
Bicycle Coverage
24/7 nationwide bicycle roadside assistance. Please see Bicycle Terms and Conditions for details.
Expenses which are not covered include, but are not limited to: Towing to junkyards or scrap facilities, parts, products, storage, or gasoline (see section on Fuel delivery); service(s) performed in a dealership, garage, or service station; service(s) performed in areas not regularly traveled (such as sand beaches, open fields, forests and areas not passable due to construction); service(s) needed due to an act of nature, etc.; battery replacement or delivery and repair of tires; tow bar rentals; towing due to a parking violation or towing out of a place of repair or impound areas (except for accident or theft recovery); towing to junkyards or scrap facilities; service(s) other than that provided by a commercial garage or service station (payment will not be made to private parties or unlicensed facilities); service(s) to a disabled vehicle without a BWC member present; removing/installing snow tires, repairs to studs, mounting and dismounting snow chains; clearing or entering snowbound driveways; shoveling vehicles out of snow banks or shoveling snow from around a vehicle; local tolls or parkway charges; service to a vehicle with an expired or missing safety inspection sticker, license plate sticker, and/or emission sticker(s) where required by law, and any other expenses not specifically mentioned as a covered benefit.
Only equipment that is ordinarily available for roadside assistance is covered. Limits will apply to requests that go above and beyond this standard. Service is at the discretion of the responding provider. If they do not feel comfortable providing the service, we will not cover it.
You must regularly maintain your vehicle. BWC will not continue to service vehicles with chronic problems.
Without explicit approval of BWC, you may not use the service for a business or organization. It is intended for personal use only.
We do not service vehicles that are purchased in an inoperable condition.
BWC may bill members for services beyond their benefit limit.
Other Benefits
Trip Interruption
If you’re more than 100 miles from home and are in a collision that renders your car unsafe to drive, Better World Club will reimburse you for certain expenses, up to $750 for Basic Members, $1500 for Premium members, per membership year. Maximum two claims per year.
You must submit a police report with your reimbursement request along with receipts for losses accrued up to 48 hours after the incident and purchased within the vicinity of the accident. Items that are eligible for reimbursement are car rentals, taxis, train or airplane tickets, meals, and lodging. Pre-arranged reservations are not eligible. This is for accidents only, not mechanical break downs.
Legal Defense
If you must appear in court as a result of a traffic violation, you will be reimbursed for certain attorney’s fees (other than yourself or a family member). Fines and forfeitures, commission of a felony, driving without a valid permit, or driving under the influence are excluded. Maximum benefit $75 per incident, maximum 2 per membership year.
Good Car-ma Program
This program is our loyalty program. BWC members can earn points for various actions like renewing a membership, referring a new member, or using our booking engines. Points can be redeemed for rewards like free memberships and more.
Participants must be active members of Better World Club to earn and/or redeem points.
All Good Car-ma points accrued to a membership account will expire after that membership is inactive for more than 60 days.
Good Car-ma points will accrue to members in association with their membership numbers. Actions by both primary and associate members will earn points toward the point total for their shared membership number. Both primary and associate members will be eligible to redeem points from the total points accrued to their shared member number for rewards.
Good Car-ma points cannot be combined with cash or with another member’s points.
To earn Good Car-ma points for making travel reservations, members must make those reservations through the booking engine at Better World Club’s public website.
Good Car-ma points will expire if not redeemed within 6 years from the date on which they were applied to a membership account, unless forfeited or cancelled at an earlier time due to membership inactivity or otherwise in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Good Car-ma points may take up to 8 weeks to be applied to a membership account as certain point earning actions are done through a third party, resulting in a delay in the receipt of those records by Better World Club.
If Good Car-ma points are earned and not applied to an active membership account (certain points may take up to 8 weeks to be applied), the primary member on that account may submit a Missing Car-ma request within 90 days of the point earning action to request redress.
Better World Club reserves the right to make changes to the Good Car-ma Program, add or remove reward items, or to cancel the program at any time.