The handy handbook for our services and resources.
What we do for you
Emergency Service 24/7
Anywhere in the United States or Canada, if you need a tow, a lockout, gas, have a flat tire, dead battery, or you're simply stuck, Better World Club is there. Unless you make other arrangements with the dispatcher, you must be with your vehicle when a service provider arrives—it’s a service provider requirement.
We cover the individual and not the vehicle. You must be a named driver to be eligible for service. Members are entitled to 4 service calls per membership year.
Reimbursement Requests
Snail or E-mail us requests for reimbursement (they must be in writing) within 90 days of service. Claim request forms can be found at members.betterworldclub.com. You may also request one by phone or email.
Please fill out the form in full. Receipts must be dated with service provider contact information clearly visible. Keep copies for your own records. We reserve the right to deny submissions that do not comply with these rules. Send to:
Better World Club
412 NW Couch St, Suite #100 Portland, OR 97209
Fax requests to 1-866-248-1117
Additional Services
Trip Interruption
If you’re more than 100 miles from home and are in a collision that renders your car unsafe to drive, Better World Club will reimburse you for certain expenses, up to $750 for Basic Members, $1500 for Premium members, per membership year.
You must submit a police report with your reimbursement request along with receipts for losses accrued up to 48 hours after the incident and purchased within the vicinity of the accident. Items that are eligible for reimbursement are car rentals, taxis, train or airplane tickets, meals, and lodging. Pre-arranged reservations are not eligible.
Legal Defense
If you must appear in court as a result of a traffic violation, you will be reimbursed for certain attorney’s fees (other than yourself or a family member). Fines and forfeitures, commission of a felony, driving without a valid permit, or driving under the influence are excluded. Maximum benefit $75 per incident, maximum 2 per membership year.
What We Do For Each Other
Good Carma Program
BWC members can earn points for various actions like renewing your membership or referring a friend. Points can be redeemed for rewards like free memberships and more!
You will also receive our Newsletters. Newsletters provide members with the latest news on Club benefits, partnership announcements, consumer information, and more.
1% Donation and Carbon Offsets
Better World Club donates 1% of gross annual revenue to environmental cleanup and advocacy. A key portion of donations goes to projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions of the automobiles of our auto insurance clients. These donations are called carbon offsets or carbon credits.
Better World Club also offsets the carbon footprint of our towing providers. We calculate the approximate CO2 output based on the length of each individual tow.
Online Resources
Save big on your travel plans!
Receive our member’s only discounts on flights, car rental rates, hotels, cruises, and other travel packages. Login to the BWC Member Site to gain access to member perks and discounts.
BWC carries State, Regional, Provincial, and most major US and Canada city maps. Members are limited to 3 free maps per membership year. Please check our website for a list of available maps.
To order maps, visit our website and fill out the order form at the Member Site: members.betterworldclub.com. Or, call customer service at 1.866.238.1137. Please allow up to two weeks for delivery.
In some cases, we may be able to expedite your order. There will be a $5 minimum fee for rush orders, which must be paid by phone.
Contact Us
Better World Club
412 NW Couch St. Suite #100 Portland, OR 97209
Member Services:
Toll Free: 866-238-1137 Fax: 1-866-248-1117